Unforgettable Trips

on trakai lakes



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Hen Nights

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Stag Nights

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Romantic Evenings

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plaukimas laivu

This season we will start even with 7 boats. The boats have a unique design and some are even with a second floor observation deck and toilet. They are white therefore perfect for photo shoots. There is an audio guide available in 9 languages in each boat. Our ships are suitable for all occasions: weddings, hen nights, stag nights, birthdays, romantic evening or even night trips on the lake or simply for a dinner with your beloved ones. There is a barbecue that you can be used, or you can bring your own food and drinks or order them from our partners. There is also an audio system in each boat. 


Best experience in Trakai with this guys - very professional with great hospitality knowledge. I got to even drive one of their boat. Definitely going back again this week.
Žiauriai gerai! Atvažiuokit pasiplaukiot naktį - Stingo muzika, nuostabūs Trakų vaizdai ir malonus vėjelis - tikrai verta!
Norėtumėte smagiai praleisti laiką ir pasiplaukioti po Galvės ežerą? Būtinai ieškokite šių laivelių!!! Labai šaunus, draugiškas ir paslaugus kapitonas! Dėkojame už puikiai praleistą laiką! 😉